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title: Personas sidebar_position: 1 editor: render-on-save: false


Clustering Students to Build 3 Personas

Personas are created using K-means clustering, an unsupervised machine learning algorithm, which clusters college students based on their responses across 36 Likert-scale fields in the online survey. Clusters are visualized using Principal Component Analysis (PCA), where the principal component loadings on the X and Y axes represent the weights of the original Likert-scale fields, transformed into the principal components that capture the most variance.

  • There is some similarity between clusters. All 3 personas report a high level of financial anxiety and below-average satisfaction with their financial literacy.

  • Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is used to convert data to lower dimension space. This is a predecessor of embeddings.

Persona 1: “Eco-Friendly”

Questions Most Affecting Persona Creation include…

Persona 2: “Moderate”

Questions Most Affecting Persona Creation include…

Persona 3: “Frugal”

Questions Most Affecting Persona Creation include…

Clustering Heatmap

Mean Answer Scores

Mean response values for each Likert question in each cluster:

Cluster 如果你/妳懷疑你/妳要買的番茄可能是由強迫勞工(現代奴隸)採摘的,你/妳仍然會買它嗎? 你/妳關心食安嗎? 你/妳7年內買車嗎?🚘 你/妳7年內買房嗎?🏡 你/妳購物時知道產品環保嗎? 你/妳覺得認證環保的公司更好嗎? 你/妳支持肉稅嗎? 你/妳關心食用雞的生活嗎? 你/妳避免吃肉嗎? ... 你/妳知道許多植物和動物的名字嗎? 你/妳感覺自己和大自然很接近嗎? 你/妳努力實踐低碳生活嗎? 你/妳想做更多環保事嗎? 你/妳對環境相關政治議題有興趣嗎? 你/妳信任碳排放抵消額度嗎? 你/妳的環保行動對環境保護有效果嗎? 你/妳想在行業內推環保嗎? 你/妳得自己對新觀念開放嗎? 你/妳的大學對可環保性支持嗎?
0 0 2.026906 3.991031 2.206278 1.663677 3.681614 4.300448 3.434978 3.533632 2.269058 ... 3.381166 3.457399 3.426009 4.264574 3.820628 3.210762 3.645740 3.730942 4.403587 4.210762
1 1 2.106742 3.516854 3.898876 2.904494 3.140449 4.028090 2.943820 3.117978 1.685393 ... 2.814607 3.039326 2.808989 3.679775 3.101124 2.865169 3.202247 3.117978 4.016854 3.719101
2 2 2.214286 3.225000 1.575000 1.282143 2.853571 3.864286 2.642857 2.610714 1.600000 ... 2.453571 2.521429 2.446429 3.364286 2.739286 2.664286 2.792857 2.878571 3.850000 3.500000

3 rows × 37 columns

Agreement between personas

Highest agreement between personas is about health, safety, pollution and climate concerns.