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“enabling data-driven decision making”

“The study employed a mixed-methods approach, starting with a , followed by . A survey of 700 college students across 10 universities in Taiwan was then conducted to understand . The major contribution is the interactive AI-assistant prototype, informed by the design research findings.

Prototype informed by design research aims to empower young adults to make informed decisions that align with their environmental values, whether through sustainable shopping, saving, or investing.

Testing with 30 students at NCKU provided additional changed in the app design.

Foster environmental stewardship through financial activism.


Designing AI systems that are capable of translating complex environmental data into actionable insights.

In conclusion, this research addresses the need for convenient tools to enable college students to take sustainable financial actions in their daily lives. By leveraging advancements in AI and data-driven interaction design, the proposed AI companion aims to act as a translation layer between complex environmental data and human-comprehensible language. The prototype demonstrates how thoughtful design can empower the next generation to align their consumption and investment behaviors with their concern for the environment, driving positive change through their financial choices.”

  • Drive companies to be more transparent with ESG data
  • Increase ESG accessibility

From Literature Review.

A comprehensive literature review in the interconnected economic behavior and ecological sustainability underscores the critical role that financial decisions play in impacting the planet’s health.

RQ2: How could an AI companion help college students shop, save, and invest in sustainable companies?

From Literature Review and Expert Interviews.

identify key concepts from expert discussion.

Expert interviews to gain industry insights

RQ3: What AI companion features do college students prioritize?

From Survey of College Students.

Survey results from 700 college students across universities in the Northern, Southern and Eastern parts of Taiwan highlights the concern among young adults regarding environmental degradation. However, my survey results acknowledges the barriers these individuals face, including a lack of tools and clear information, which hinders their ability to contribute effectively to environmental sustainability.

their preferences and attitudes.

College students are concerned with environmental issues but lack tools to affect systemic change. This research introduces an AI companion to help young adults engage in sustainable shopping, saving, and investing.

College students can set their Intention and the AI companion can help them fulfill that intention in a variety of financial situation from shopping to saving and investing.

Final Takeaway

  • the consumer element doesn’t have enough money by itself but it can make financial tools work better (higher baseline) to galvanize and encourage institutional investment into sustainability.
  • Aggregating Consumer Demand, Amplifying Consumer Influence, Enhancing Market Standards
  • Influencing governance is the main point of leverage. G->S->E, not E->S->G.
  • Increasing ESG accessibility
  • Design is Political Action, Eco-Design Democratizes ESG Accessibility