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Some of the key terminology used in my thesis presented in a concise format.

  • AI - Artificial intelligence, a field of computer science and an umbrella term focused on a wide range of approaches to automation

  • UX - User experience, a field of study and operational approach focused on how humans experience using systems

  • AX - Algorithmic experience, a proposed category of user experience, that is focused on interfaces between AI algorithms and humans

  • UI - User interface, such as in a mobile app, however increasingly audio, video, etc

  • XAI - AI user experience, interaction design applied to AI concerned with how does a person or a group of people interact with the AI

  • Fintech - Financial technology, the application of technology (usually AI), to classic financial services, such as payments

  • ESG - Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance, a new set of metrics proposed by the European Union, and adopted worldwide, to assess business and financial assets

  • AI Assistant - software system providing the user with personalized suggestions based on machine learning algorithms

  • Financial Advisor - a human financial specialist providing customized financial advice, including investment advice and services to a client

  • ML - Machine learning, a tool within the larger AI umbrella to enable computers to learn from large sets of data, which may be labeled (by humans) or un-labeled (auto-labeled)

  • HCI - Human-computer interaction, a field of study to improve human experience with information technology

  • OEM - Original equipment manufacturer, a company making products for another company that markets and sells such products under their own brand

  • API - Application Programming Interface, a method for software agents to exchange information in various forms of data: the basis for contemporary online services

  • EPR - Extended Producer Responsibility

  • SDGs - Sustainable Development Goals, a set of targets agreed upon by the nations of the world

  • LLM - Large Language Models

  • Vector Databases - specialized data storage for mathematical language embeddings in multi-dimensional space helpful for clustering similar concepts

  • CO2e - CO2 equivalent greenhouse gases

  • GHG - Greenhause gases

  • PD - Participatory Design

  • VCM - Voluntary Carbon Markets

  • Hedge Fund - pooled investment fund

  • DAO - Decentralized Autonomous Organization

  • “Zero waste is the conservation of all resources by means of responsible production, consumption, reuse and recovery of products, packaging and materials without burning, and with no discharges to land, water or air that threaten the environment or human health. This is the definition of Zero Waste as adopted by the Zero Waste International Alliance.” Kalle et al. (2022)

Kalle, K., Arro G., Kriipsalu M., McQuibban J., Kranjc J., Žnajder Ž. & Kenk K. (2022) Zero Waste Training Handbook. BEZWA (Building a European Zero Waste Academy).