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Does the prototype match user needs?

Testing was the most difficult part of the thesis process.

  • Testing with friends and acquitances.

  • Testing with experts.

  • Testing with unknown people in the target audience.

App Testing Flow

Testing Period

  • 1 month from 2024 April 2 to May 2, 2024
  • 30 individual participantsbö


Prototype Testing results

sun, 14. april. 22h at D24

note: there’s dropoff on evey step of the user journey

RQ: To what extend can shopping become and entry point for saving and investing. RQ: Can shopping serve as an entry point for sustainable saving and investing?

Testing overview

  • Tested with 30 participants individually
  • Testing is anonymous
  • Generate


  • add carbon indicators, other labels to the analsysi, add report code, calculate report code from URL? ssave as kv
may 8 czuta
- investment help useless.. needs simpler intro - wants to see real cows - very curious abouut companes - wants to see profit percentage. why is margin so high if polluution is bad. - real environmental impact of the coompany.

06 may - Seeing factory photos is useful only if they are trustworthy photos. Who will provide them? -

may 5
- user: it looks like an ad
may 3
- uses google to look for “fashion brand eco friendly”
- thinks “” looks like a brand website
may3 - first looked for NET clothes but Momo doesn’t sell it - Looked for Sony camera lens

1 may prof suggestion - make connection between biodibersity and production and consumption clearer - what is the incentive for companies to share their data?

my own idea: like the switch of going from traditional banking with ATM machines on the street (or even the physica bank office) to online banking with mobile payments

  • hypothesis: esg accessibility can push companies to increase production standards

  • what if you can see ESG in near-realtime such as the stock market price

  • i can imagine esg derivative product like siemens gamesa

  • ai can help integrate esg derivatives into daily life to drive esg adoption

  • “effective altruism (EA)”

  • “Blockchain technology can improve price transparency in product distribution by allowing consumers to know the exact pricing from raw materials to distributors to suppliers.”

Interviews and testing survey were conducted anonymously in hopes to have more honest responses from the responders.

  • ziran chrome extension is unable to record activity due to browser security restrictions for plugins
  • record user activity
  • semi-structured interviews were conducted in chinese
  • the interviewer (me) took notes of the interviews
  • some gaps in the data exist due to the limited chinese language skills of the interviewer (me)

basic interview script - momo: what is a brand that you like’d or would like to buy - search - please pick a product (or search again) - on product page: what do you notice on this page? - what kind of information is important for you on this page? - do you notice anything else - (if the user doesn’t notice the green filter, direct their attention to it and ask: what do you think this does?) - would you click on it - if the user says yes, continue - if thhe user says no, make note and continue - as the extension generates a response: what do you think about this content? - is there any information that you consider important? - anything else you see that you think looks special - do you see anywhere you can click? - would you click on it? - if yes, continue - if no, make note, and continue - explain: due to the limitation of the prototype, the test will continue on a separate page where you can ask questions - is there anything you would like to ask the helper? - notice if the user picks from sample questions - remind the user they can come up with their own question - as the ai is generating content ask: do you see any information in this content - did you know this before or is there any info you didn’t know before? make note. - front page: explain the helper takes into account your personal info and goals. - ask: what kind of information do you think important to share with the helper?

Tuesday 30. April 14:05-14:45 - 7CYQ6

  • Momo
  • Looks for Levis pants
  • Looks for recommendations on the sidebar
  • Looks at the photos
  • Looks at the price and options
  • Didn’t notice the helper as it looks like an ad
  • When helped
  • Ignores 社區支持: 購物 69% 儲蓄 80% 投資 65% as doesn’t know what these mean
  • on ai.ziran
  • shares personal info: 四年後想考研究所,還不想工作,所以不會存到錢,希望可以考到台北的學校,每個月有兩萬生活費。
  • DJmoney
  • Still didn’t notice the helper
  • Doesn’t understand investing (Understands it’s Taiwanese stocks) so the helper is useful for explaining new concepts

Monday 29. april 10:10-10.25 - Momo - buy new balance sneakers

  • DJmoney
  • wants compare EFTs

Monday 29. april 14:50-15:10 - Momo - buy apple iphone - bad internet - app was slow - app crashed

  • green filter analysis on DJmoney seems more trustworthy than other 2 eft sites
  • button placement is important (too low on other sites than djmoney)

Sunday 28. april 16:00 - momo: wants to buy ice cream

sun, 14. april. 22h at D24

note: there’s dropoff on evey step of the user journey

RQ: To what extend can shopping become and entry point for saving and investing. RQ: Can shopping serve as an entry point for sustainable saving and investing?

Testing overview

  • Tested with 30 participants individually
  • Testing is anonymous
  • Generate


  • add carbon indicators, other labels to the analsysi, add report code, calculate report code from URL? ssave as kv

Expert Feedback

  • Provide alternatives

  • Simplify text

  • Use images

  • Put a “New Feature” ad on the front page

  • Change 繼續討論 to something more actionable

    • I tried changing to “see alternatives”