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Early Feature Ideas

The following early prototypes are focused on particular feature ideas that occurred to me during the literature review process. They are naive and meant to allow thinking in terms of what-if a particular user experience was possible. These prototypes were not tested with users directly and formed a basis for directing the questions asked in a potential user survey.

Susan (Sustainability Conversation)

What if I could have a chat like this at the supermarket? Imagine what questions I would ask before buying a product. AI: “Kris, do you still remember Coca Cola’s packaging is a large contributor to ocean plastic? You even went to a beach cleanup!” Me: “That’s so sad but it’s tasty!” AI. “Remember your values. Would you like to start saving for investing in insect farms in Indonesia instead? Predicted return 4% per year, according to analysts A and B.” If I’m not so sure, I could continue the conversation. Me: “Tell me more” AI: “A recent UN study says, the planet needs to grow 70% more food in the next 40 years. Experts from 8 investment companies predict growth for this category of assets.” Me: “Thanks for reminding me who I am” … Moments later. AI: “This shampoo is made by Unilever, which is implicated in deforestation in Indonesia according to reporting by World Forest Watch. Would you consider buying another brand instead? They have a higher ESG rating.”

Example Suggestions of the AI companion:

  • “Don’t buy a car, use a car sharing service instead to save XYZ CO2. Service available near you: Bolt,* Uber.”

  • “Use a refillable shampoo bottle to save XYZ plastic pollution”

  • “Call your local politician to nudge them to improve bicycle paths and reduce cars in your neighborhood. Over the past 2 years, you city has experienced an increase of cars from 290 cars per capita to 350 cars per capita.”*

Figure 3: Speculative scenario of an interaction between a human user and a robo-advisor through the interface of chat messages in the context of retail shopping for daily products.

provides many examples conversations between AI and humans from Meta’s LLAMA mmodel

Early prototype of my Sustainable Finance AI Companion (Nov. 2020).

Sunday Market

What if I could go to the Sunday market with other people who care about sustainability? First prototype (based on literature review) called HappyGreen’s for going to the organic Sunday Market with friends. Choose industries of focus? Fashion, Food, etc?

True Cost

What if I you could see the actual cost of each product including externalities?

Speak Truth to Power

What if I could affect companies with truth? Consolidate user feedback for companies.

How Far?

What if I knew how far did this product travel to reach me?

Country Profiles

What if I knew my country’s top pollution sources?

Know Your Company

What if I could KYC the companies I interact with? Like the banks KYC, consumers can KYC.

CO2e Flex

What if I could show off how much CO2e I have retired?

Sustainability Watch

What if I could see all my sustainability data on a wearable device in the right context?

Narrative Layouts

What if I spent 5 minutes every day with a guide who could help me make more eco-friendly choices? How should the layout storyline be structured? Well it’s like Strava (that running app) for sustainability… or if you have heard of Welltory. I believe sustainable choices that would improve my life.. be it what I consume, save, invest, etc.. so I’m trying to design an app around this idea. I’m basically building the UX of AI.. focused on sustainability. How should the layout storyline be structured? Well it’s like Strava (that running app) for sustainability… or if you have heard of Welltory. I believe if I spent 5 minutes every day with a guide who could help me make more eco-friendly choices that would improve my life.. be it what I consume, save, invest, etc.. so I’m trying to design an app around this idea.

Shopping Divest

What if I you could build a community based on what I buy?

Books Can Talk

What if sustainability literature could chat with me? Books can now talk to me. My bedtime story about shopping, saving, and investing. (Anon, 2023)

  • (Ray Kurzweil, 2018)
  • (Bailey, 2023)