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Ideas for Interfaces / Scenarios

Show all the different prototypes just likes architects do. And then defend why I chose the one I did. For NW make a Loom with the interfaces and talk about them?

Prototypes of Product Features

I developed a number of early prototypes to visualize product feature ideas.

What’s on the intersection of College Students, Sustainability, Investing, Data-Driven Design and Artificial Intelligence (AI)? AI-Driven Sustainable Investment Tools.

The app aims to address the market failure by providing consumers sufficient sustainability information on the goods, services and investments.

resource depletion

and adopt the doughnut economy as my overarching theoretical framework

Humans are successful because of our adaptability. The study suggests tools to adapt to our current reality.

United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration

Hypothesis: extractive business practices reduce college students trust, regenerative business practices create trust among college students towards the company.

Provided there is awareness

How can sustainability-minded college students find companies that meet their expectations, standards and requirements?

  • Make a public profile of my carbon consumption!!! Like on Commons.

  • Shop

  • Save

  • Invest

  • Build closer relationships with sustainability-focused companies

  • Sales funnel for eco-focused products

  • The eco-friendly market is fragmented

  • Build trust, clarity, transparency, and honesty

  • Make a ‘Sustainability Flywheel’ graphic, like that of Amazon’s

  • Sustainability is fragmented. How can billions of people build closer relationships with sustainability-focused companies based on honesty and transparency? A research project for designing a sustainable shopping, savings, and investing companion.

  • Most sustainability plans rely on carbon credits to achieve their goals, making carbon credits a single point of failure. If the credits are not accurate, the whole system collapses.

  • TODO: Make a table showing research results translated to design decisions

  • Your Green Helper

  • Make some initial prototype? make YoutTbe video… hi, you have reached? spread… through ESTBan and others?

  • Currently CO2 footprint calculators ask you a couple of questions and give a ballpark estimate. Does it make sense to track sustainability on a more nuanced level, like Apple Health, in order to encourage sustainable behavior?

Product Idea Source Prototype Link
Speak Truth to Power Literature Review Consolidate user feedback for companies
Shopping Divest Literature Review What if you could build communities based on what you buy?
True Cost Literature Review What if you could see the actual cost of each product including externalities?
Sunday Market Literature Review First prototype for going to the organic Sunday Market with friends.
XYZ Expert Interview
ABC User Survey
  • Affinity diagrams help users organize ideas by brainstorming, sorting and labeling to cluster related information (Kara Pernice, 2018; Quignard, 2022)
  • Scan a product to see the company and start investing or divesting from them Current economics is lowering the quality of life on the planet

Actionable Insights: Translate data into everyday actions the app can suggest.

  • What does investing look like at the scale of billions of people? like IG
  • The most effective things are Commodities? Food, transport, fashion, plant trees.
  • personalized AI, meta glasses understand your context. sense and reconstruct the world around you and to understand the context in which you’re using your device.sense and reconstruct the world around you and to understand the context in which you’re using your device. Make suggestions and take action proactively to help you get things done — ideally, so seamlessly that you may not even notice.neuroscience co-adaptation of the interface. your future devices will learn and adapt to you as you use them.
  • Scalable Climate Solutions: What really works on a large scale?
  • brand colors: pink, orange, green


  • Introduce this concept

  • The Manor (2022)

  • Sustainability is hard. Green Filter helps you find companies that are making a true effort and build closer relationships through shopping, savings, and investing. Green Filter helps you find companies that are making a true effort to become sustainable and build closer relationships through shopping, savings, and investing

  • Gather requirements and build a prototype for the next-generation investment app for young adults. Improving the user experience for young adults getting started with (green) investing. What would a “Tinder for (Green) Investments” look like? How can we make the logistics of investing so easy to use and take into account my values?

  • My thesis core message is : everyone should change from consumer to sustainability investor (define these terms in the thesis). how to do this? can help you become from consumer to investor i believe there’s space for a product like that. your green investing friend find the companies tackling certain problems and invest in them using crypto business can be a force for good

  • Consumer purchases are an indicator of demand. If demand trends down, companies will stop producing this product.


  • Green Filter helps you discover how to save money and the planet with your daily shopping. By providing an easy way for people to learn about and shop with sustainable companies, we imagine a world where people invest in their future, find great deals on responsibly-made products, and get useful discounts from socially responsible brands.

  • GreenFilter is a product that combines AI, design and marketing to help people manage their social impact throughout the stages of their lives, from young adult years to retirement. Its primary goal is to give people the tools they need to invest responsibly in sustainable companies, while also educating them on this topic. Our project offers a responsive website and mobile app that leverages AI and other advanced technologies. In addition, our prototype includes a reality-based virtual assistant with voice command capabilities which can provide customers with new insights into the world of green finance

  • GreenFilter introduces a novel, interactive point-of-sale technology that helps people make greener shopping decisions. The platform uses artificial intelligence to suggest green alternatives for products on your shopping list, and will also help you to find other companies that can make sustainable versions of the product you are buying.

  • As people become aware of the impact their shopping is having on the environment, they become interested in finding alternatives to big brands and large companies. GreenFilter provides designers an AI companion design which helps people build relationships with sustainability-focused companies by providing personalized recommendations, giving product reviews and helping them shop sustainably. This new tool will empower consumers to make greener choices throughout their lives.

  • Better management of planet Earth

  • How can wee Shop, Save, Invest in line ecologic principles and planetary boundaries? individual action doesn’t move the needle. how to group together

  • App to build community

  • Life within planetary boundaries

  • Currently it seems there’s a secret around how things are produced we want to increase transparency

  • Companies that have nothing new nothing to hide should welcome this opportunity to mark themselves to keep a conscious consumers and investors.

  • We want to create competition around sustainable practices enter widespread adoption

  • Cigarettes and pictures of lung cancer every product should be required to have photos of production conditions switch such as Rainforest and deforestation the products that include Palm oil.

  • My thesis is that a lot of people want to do good, shop eco-friendly, invest green, etc. But they don’t believe the solutions work. They don’t have trust. This is a user interface issue. How to build trust.